My stone plant has just flowered and I wanted to share some pics of it. I always find it amazing that these hardy plants have such beautiful, delicate flowers.
pot plant
I picked up this interesting-looking pot plant last week at the Shongweni Farmers Market (for a cool R100!). The guy selling it didn’t have much information for me but could tell me it was part of the Ipomoea family. From Wikipedia, “The genus Ipomoea (Greek Ips, Ipos, worm or bindweed and Homoeos, resembling, referring to … Read more
It’s an aloe!
I never knew this little guy was an aloe – although now that I think about it the red/orange flowers are very similar to the other, larger aloes I have. Its official name is aloe aristata and they were first ‘discovered’ in the Drakensburg in KwaZulu-Natal, but their habitat stretches from the eastern Karoo to … Read more
Mexican Rosette
Another post, another pot plant – but this time I do know its name and where its from. Its an Echeveria and its as Mexican as tequila and sombreros. The leaves form an attractive rosette and have a waxy feel to them. They are very easy to propagate, with a new plant growing from a … Read more
My first plant (and post)
This was the first plant I bought so I think its fitting that it feature in my first post on gardening. I got it from the farmers market in Westville and its been with me for over five years. It sparked my interest in plants and was the first of many succulents and cacti I … Read more