Warning – strangler at work

In an earlier post, my brother lamented the scourge of syringa berry trees in Durban.  In the comments section it was suggested that strangler figs could be used to combat them.  I regularly jog down Manning Road and spotted a strangler fig at work on a Flamboyant.

Warning - strangler at work
Warning - strangler at work

Strangler fig reaching the ground.
Strangler fig reaching the ground.
Strangler fig wrapping around the trunk.
Strangler fig wrapping around the trunk.

5 thoughts on “Warning – strangler at work”

  1. I agree, I also wrote a post about this a while back. It might take a while, but this is about as natural a weedkiller as you can get!

    The only problem would be the extra few years that the Syringa would get to sow its seeds…

  2. Great idea, as Ross suggested!

    What you could do is make seed bombs of strangler figs seeds, so get an old stocking and fill it with compost and some seeds of the fig, leave the top open and give it good water and fix it to a crotch of a tree to kill and soon it will get going with avengence. The more you use the quicker it will be!

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