Vertical Gardens
I’m a big fan of home made things and crafty re-use, so I had to share this garden related note from Craft Magazine (via Facebook) – something for people with a small balcony and aspirations for a herb garden.
Mulch Love
I’m a big fan of home made things and crafty re-use, so I had to share this garden related note from Craft Magazine (via Facebook) – something for people with a small balcony and aspirations for a herb garden.
Some advice from the latest Enviropaedia newsletter: Always water your plants during the early morning hours or in the evening. Between 10:00 and 15:00 you can lose up to 90% of water to evaporation. Focus on indigenous and non–invasive alien plants with low water demands. Roof water can also be profitably stored in tanks for … Read more
A recent study in the Eastern Cape has highlighted the fact that the humble spekboom (or ‘elephant’s food’ as it is also known) has an amazing ability to soak up CO2, equivalent to that of sub-tropical forests. Findings suggest that up to four tons of carbon a year would be captured by each hectare. This … Read more