Lichen it? I’m lovin’ it!!

Here is a special treat; a guest birthday blog from our resident econerd, Clemence..

On both a previous trip to Cape Point and on the recent berg trip we came across some lichen growing on the rocks. Lichens are an indicator species and a sign of good air quality. They are particularly sensitive to sulfur dioxide, a gas emitted from exhaust and industrial fumes, and so are rarely found in large cities and towns. They are often overlooked but are an essential barometer of a healthy ecosystem. It was great to see such healthy examples in different parts of the country, and of course to breathe some fresh air.

Cape Lichen
Cape Lichen

Berg Lichen
Berg Lichen

4 thoughts on “Lichen it? I’m lovin’ it!!”

  1. what great photo’s; the top one looks like an aerial photograph of some massive continent. i didn’t realise it was your birthday! happy happy clemence. another leo eh?

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