Kingfisher alert!

So, as you may have guessed from the title, this post is not about a plant but rather a kingfisher I spotted in the garden this morning.   The photographs are not the best as I don’t have much of a zoom lens and as soon as I got close to him he flew away.

But nonetheless, it is pretty great having a bird such as this in my garden.  There must be some kind of food he eats around – slugs, beetles?

Kingfisher alert!
Kingfisher alert!

Flight of the kingfisher.
Flight of the kingfisher.

17 thoughts on “Kingfisher alert!”

  1. oooooh, i like the shot of him flying. they’re such beautiful birds, we often have them in our garden too. i guess they must eat beetles etc because there can’t be too many fish around for them. they do like to dive bomb the swimming pool though, and then ruffle themselves up all squat and neckless and dry off.

  2. That is so cool… Our garden hasn’t cracked the nod yet, but wait – our indigenous plants are slowly growing – it’s going to be a kingfisher haven… Awesome shots Niall – what a little prince that kingfisher is…

  3. Kingfishers generally eat insects, crabs, small rodents and reptiles, so my guess is you already have food in your garden and that is why he came to visit

  4. That looks like a brown headed kingfisher and it dosent eat fish.There are about 10 species of Kingfisher and the ones that eat fish are the Mangrove Pied Malacite Half collard Pigmy and Giant King fishers.

  5. Hey Chris.

    Both are cool to have in your garden but I think I would prefer the chameleons!

    Did you manage to scare it aware or create a nursery for the chameleons?

  6. I think these guys also eat small reptiles etc. Try giving him a raw sausage and watch him ‘kill’ their prey before eating it! 🙂

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