Can anyone assist from your side of the country.
I am looking for Paw Paw trees that are going to bear fruit that doesn’t fall off the tree. I believe one needs male and female but it is a hit and miss affair when one orders them. I am looking for a reliabele supplier to send to Cape Town.
Cape Town is probably cold enough to grow good Paw Paws π They almost always fall to the ground when ripe, though…
Here’s more that you wanted to know about Paw Paws:
…including that their flowers are perfect. More than one cultivar is required for pollination though.
One Green World here in Oregon has quite a few cultivars. I don’t know if they ship international, but you could ask.
They grow well from seed, supposedly. I’m just trying them for the first time this fall. I may have a couple seeds to spare if you have no options, especially if you have interesting Protea species for trade π Seedlings supposedly come about 80% true to the parent, and the parents were very tasty.
Dear Ross
Thanks for the reference and info. I am in the deep end of organising a garden show for this weekend with 8 open gardens as well. I will respond to you next week. My client will be interested in getting paw paw plants. Will discuss with him.What do you consider as ‘interesting Protea species’?
Hi Zelda,
Here is a list of sources (including international, but none in ZA) for Paw Paw trees.
Certainly you will be able to find a reasonable source out of this list! They are delicious.
What are “interesting Protea”? The ones I don’t have, of course π Some are P. amplexicaulis, nubigena, inopina, rupicola, micans trichophylla, aristata, speciosa, lorea, restionifolia, montana, pendula, namaquana, sulphurea… The online sources only have so many species.