Tiny Inanda Orchid

I was working out in Inanda last week and one of the places we visited was the Gumede ancestral home.  Apart from the first post office and surgery in the area, housed in these charming tin walled/roofed structures, the homestead also had an old grove of mango trees. Growing on these trees were loads of tiny orchids. A few branches had fallen off and I took home a couple of the orchids from these, which I have put on my bonsais – does anyone recognise them?

3 thoughts on “Tiny Inanda Orchid”

  1. Those tiny orchids grow just about anywhere from Linfield park (where I’ve seen them)- back of Cato ridge – all the way to St lucia hells gate area. Unfortunatelly I don’t know the name of the tiny plants. —- Lookout ridge above Kloof waterfall hosts tiny ground orchids – can be seen along side the path in the grass near the ridge, blooms hang face down.

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