Woody woodpecker

I noticed this striking bird the other day (another member of the menagerie in my new garden) and after watching it for a while saw that it kept going back to a fig tree next to the house. On closer inspection, it turns out that there is a perfectly round hole in the trunk and a nest, complete with youngster, inside.

Is this a woodpecker?  Its the only bird I know that makes a nest in a tree trunk.

Woody woodpecker
Woody woodpecker

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Coming home to roost

This pair of swallows has made a nest on the veranda of my parent’s house, built somewhat precariously around the alarm.  Let’s hope it doesn’t go off while their kids are in the nest.

They are remarkably friendly little birds and hang about on the railing with people quite close to them.

Coming home to roost
Coming home to roost

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