some flowers in hogsback

for those of you who haven’t visited hogsback… it is a small village in the eastern cape, in the mountains overlooking alice, where fort hare university is situated. there is a big movement to reclaim the area from the pines and wattles, revitalising the indigenous vegetation. i go relatively regularly to visit friends who live in the area. these are a small selection of photos of some of the flowers i saw.

keeping with the theme of hydrangeas… this was taken in someone’s garden.

i am not sure what this flower is but there was a pretty tree full of them.

hogsback has some beautiful indigenous and wild proteas. this was growing wild in the area being reclaimed for indigenous plants near ‘the edge’ (a very dramatic look out point overlooking both pine and indigenous forests. from there you can really see how the pines suck up all the water. nothing else grows anywhere near the pines. alternatively, the indigenous forest is lush and wild.

this is another protea seen at ‘the edge’. the timing was a little off and many of the proteas where on their way out. they still are deliciously beautiful though.

this is one of my favourite proteas. for some strange reason they are usually only used as fillers in bunches of more dramatic proteas. there was such beautiful bushes of these all over the garden where we were staying.

5 thoughts on “some flowers in hogsback”

  1. Beautiful Pics, Hogsback is a beautiful place an has some stunning forests. The largest white stinkwoods(Celtis africana) I have seen in the E. Cape

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