It has been an exceptionally rainy November in Durban. The last few days have been wet with the rain forecast to continue until well past the weekend. The ferns in my garden, pictured below, have been loving all the rain.
While the rainy season in this part of the world normally starts in November and continues until March, it has also been unseasonably cool for the start of summer, sparking debate on climate change. Has anyone else noticed strange weather patterns in their part of South Africa, or the world?

I was in Kenya at the beginning of the year and the rains had failed and they were on the verge of a very bad drought which has worsened as the year progressed…in part due to bad land use practises but definitely also changing climates.
I was also in Panama last year and the rainy season was non existent. Seems like freaky weather patterns are happening globally-scary stuff!
indeed – I wonder if its becoming more dry in dry places and more wet in wet places? looks like this rain is streaming into next week.
I just watched The Age of Stupid which highlights these climate incidents around the world. Time to make a change …
the sun is now almost out! B-) ja, it is tough to say.. i mean no doubt we are not doing great things to the earth by polluting it.. but then are some years not just rainier / hotter than others? i can never remember from year to year, although durban has been unseasonally cold and wet.. is this a clear indication of a climate changing?